Wednesday 26 November 2014

Voyage of the Western Islands of the Galapagos.

So it has been my dream to visit the Galapagos islands since studying evolution in high school and university.
Although I knew about Darwin and his Finches and thanks to Sir David Attenborough I kindof knew what was awaiting me when I arrived however it was so much more than I expected!

Flying into Baltras island felt like touching town in central Australia. Dry,  bare volcanic ash ground with the occasional cacti around. Not at all inviting! However after a quick bus ride to a small dock the wildlife emerged! A seal lion frolicking in the water, huge Frigate birds circling above, a hammerhead shark cruising tne bay and a marine iguana sunning itself! I was instantly excited about the next 8 days on board the Daphne.

Even the small  cramped rooms could not dull my enthusiasm! We instantly set sail for our first island where we went for a small walk along a sandy beach  viewing pelicans, red lava crabs, blue footed boobies and Darwins famous finches. This was followed by snorkling off the beachwhere we saw reefs of small colourful fish... but nothing could prepare me for the next day which also happened to be my birthday!

Thursday 6 November 2014 will forever be the best birthday, or possibly best day EVER!
The morning started with an early delicious breakfast... the food on the boat was amazing... followed by a walk on North Seymore island. Instantly after stepping onto the island from the panga (dinghy) we were surrounded by wildlife. Sea lions lying all over our path, boobies sitting on the rocks waiting to spy some potential meal of fish. This island is special because it is one of the breeding islands for the frigate birds. The males ofthe species have big red pouches on their throats which they inflate to woo the ladies.
We also got a glimpse of our first yellow land iguana who are much bigger than the black marine version.  More boobies, more  birds of different species,animals everywhere. It was awesome!

After getting back to the boat  we spied 3 large Galapagos sharks. There were definitely a few anxious passengers watchingthe sharks circling the boat as we were about to go snorkeling only a few meters away. Being one of two Australians about to get into the water I instantly got street cred for not being worried... our sharks are much bigger! However these sharks are known to be aggressive... but its my understanding they would prefer a scared Englishman or Norwegian over me! Haha never fear we all got into the panga and proceed to have the most magical snorkel of my life!

Picture this... its your birthday and you are swimming in crystal clear blue water with sea turtles, sea lions, whitetipped reef sharks, and fish everywhere. I must admit the first time a seal lion swam up to me atfull speed showing its teeth I squealed bit but after it started swimming circles around me I was readyto play. Sadly my tablet doesn't like the video my underwater camera takes, otherwise I could share with you the beauty of this spectacle.

Amazing, Awesome. Best birthday ever and it was only lunch time!
Back on the boat to sail to Bartolome to climb a volcano to view the lava fields and craters below. A spectacular sight, and amazing to see what different hostile environments all these islands are and how animals have adapted to each of them.

To top the day off we had one more snorkeling trip planned for the afternoon. More sea turtles, rays, seahorses. Unbelievable sights. So many turtles and all such cruisy individuals. Actually it was the same with all Galapagos wildlife - they have thousands of visitors a year but theseanimals could careless.... the just keep on keeping on.

After such an epic birthday I was surprised at dinner with a  cake... up to this point I had thought I had kept it a secret from most people. I did love that it said "Happy Birthay Kate"! Who needs correct spelling - it was delicious!

Amazing that this was only day 2. The rest of the trip was equally amazing. The best trip with a great group of people.
You must come!

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